Finalmente, la larga espera de la llegada del bebé reaal de los Cambridge ha llegado a su fin. Mi recomendación es que no hay que creer todo lo que se dice, pero esperar un poco a los anuncios oficiales o de los periodistas reconocidos y verdaderos especialistas en el tema que, vamos se cuentan con los dedos de la mano. En @elblogreal en twitter estaré posteando info y dando RT's confiables
Finally the long wait of the arrival of the royal baby has come to an end. My suggestion for you is not to believe everything you read or it is said, there's a lot of misinformation out there. One should wait for the official anouncmentes or info from the recognized journalists and actual specialists on the subject, not so many around there. At @elblogreal on twitter I will be posting info and giving trustable RT's
Finally the long wait of the arrival of the royal baby has come to an end. My suggestion for you is not to believe everything you read or it is said, there's a lot of misinformation out there. One should wait for the official anouncmentes or info from the recognized journalists and actual specialists on the subject, not so many around there. At @elblogreal on twitter I will be posting info and giving trustable RT's
Dicho esto, hagamos un pequeño review de los eventos del día.
Let's review the events of the day
Let's review the events of the day
Por un comunicado enTtwitter Clarence House anunciaba que los Cambridge se dirigian al hospital. Kate salió de casa a las 5:30 y fue admitida a las 5:55. A la prensa y a todos los demás solo nos quedaba esperar por ya el anuncio oficial que dice
It was via Twitter that Clarence house announced that the Cambridges were heading to the hospital. Kate lefto home at 5:30 and was admitted at 5:55, the press and rest of us had no choice tu to wait for the official announcent that reads:
It was via Twitter that Clarence house announced that the Cambridges were heading to the hospital. Kate lefto home at 5:30 and was admitted at 5:55, the press and rest of us had no choice tu to wait for the official announcent that reads:
Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 4.24pm.The baby weighs 8lbs 6oz.
The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth.
The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news.
Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well and will remain in hospital overnight.
Su Alteza Real la Duquesa de Cambridge, dió a luz a un hijo a las 4:24 pm. El bebé pesa 3.8kg
El duque de Cambridge estuve presente en el nacimiento
La Reina, el Duque de Edimburgo, el Príncipe de Galés, la Duquesa de Cornwall, Príncipe Harry lo los miembros de ambas familias han sido informados y estan encantados con la noticia.
Su Alteza real y su hijo, están bien y pasarán la noche en el hospital
Esto, de acuerdo a la tradición se publicó en el patio de Buckingham Palace. El secretario de Prensa de los Duques de Cambridge lo lleva al palacio dónde se anuncia. En este caso también se hizo el comunicado de prensa que cité arriba.
According to tradition this was published in Buckingham palace. The press secretary of the Duke and Duchess took it to palace where it is announced. In this case there was also the press communicated quoted above
According to tradition this was published in Buckingham palace. The press secretary of the Duke and Duchess took it to palace where it is announced. In this case there was also the press communicated quoted above
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